Visitor Opens

Terms and Condiditions for Visitor Opens at Marlborough Golf Club

This website provides a facility for visitors to pay for entry into open competitions. Payments can be made online with credit and debit cards. When making payments, the website provides a form which connects directly to the Clear Accept secure site using SSL technology. Following the transaction an email confirmation will be sent to the payer. The Club can accept no responsibility for use of the online facility nor accept any liability for the amount of monies credited to the online facility. Anyone entering an online compeititon must meet the criteria of the competition, all entries will be reviewed by The Club.

Visitor Tee Time Booking

Terms and Condiditions for Visitor Tee Bookings at Marlborough Golf Club

This website provides a facility for visitors to pay for tee bookings. Payments can be made online with credit and debit cards. When making payments, the website provides a form which connects directly to the Clear Accept secure site using SSL technology. Following the transaction an email confirmation will be sent to the payer. The Club can accept no responsibility for use of the online facility nor accept any liability for the amount of monies credited to the online facility. All visitors must adhere to The Club rules and dress code which can be found on the website. Contact The Club office if you require further details.

Cancellation and Refund Policy:

Green Fees

Due to the tee sheet utilisation, we do not offer refunds for green fee payments made in advance.

Rain Check Policy

If the Golf Club closes the course due to inclement weather, then a rain check will be issued proportionate to the number of holes that have been played.

If you start your round of golf in the rain, there will be no refunds issued

Exceptions to the above will be administered at the discretion of the General Manager

Annual Membership

Golf membership is an annual contractual membership with Marlborough Golf Club. We only offer a refund on new annual Golf Membership fees if this is within 14 days of your joining date. Full Refund* subject to £30 admin fee.

All members shall pay all membership fees irrespective of actual usage of the golf course(s) facilities.

If the company is unable to collect the direct debit fee on the due date, the member should immediately pay for that month, or the member accepts that the company will automatically resubmit the request for payment on the first working day of the following month (effectively a double payment). Should we be unable to collect the double payment you will be liable for the remaining months contracted, for which you will be invoiced

Marlborough Golf Club reserves the right to cancel or suspend membership at any time in the following circumstances:

If a Member commits a serious or repeated breach of these Terms and Conditions or the Club Rules and the breach, if capable of remedy, is not remedied within 7 days of receipt of a default notice.

If any part of a membership fee due by a Member is not paid (by way of cleared funds) on or before its due date.

If a Member provides us with details which the Member knows to be false when applying for membership and the false declaration would have reasonably affected our decision to grant membership to that Member. If the Company terminates this Agreement for any of the above reasons, the Company reserves the right to retain all monies that a Member has paid under his Agreement.

You are unable to suspend your membership during your annual contract term. You may alter your category to a social membership while you recover from an injury at the start of the annual renewal date of 1st April each year.

A member may not downgrade their membership within the current annual contract. No refunds or release from contractual obligation will be provided to members relocating during the current year of any contract period.

Open Events

For all Open competitions a FULL ENTRY FEE will be required at time of booking. Should you cancel more than 30 days prior to the event a full refund will be given, if cancelled less than 30 days prior a full charge is required, unless you can fill the spaces requested.

Failure To Cancel Your Booking:
No refund will be considered by the club if you fail to cancel your booking and do not contact the Club in advance.

Golf Society Fees

MGC will not issue any refund due to the client cancelling the event. MGC reserves the right to offer the client an alternative date within 30 days of the original booking should a client request to cancel the original date booked on one occasion only.

The Club may, at its' sole discretion, cancel at any time, any Golf event it deems may prove unsuitable or disruptive to the Club as a whole. Although not bound to do so the Club would, if permitted, offer a minimum of 48hrs notice in consideration of the Client's need to amend arrangements. In such event the Club will refund all monies paid in advance by the Client and shall be deemed to have no further liability arising from the cancellation. In the event that a Client is found to have misrepresented the nature of an event, the Club reserves the right to cancel the event without refund of monies paid in advance.

Any cancellation of society numbers breakfast, lunches or meals must be received more than 72 hours in advance of the event to not be charged.

Weather Notice

Should the golf course be closed MGC reserves the right to offer a rain check for an alternative date within 30 days of the date booked.

All players enter the golf course at their own risk and MGC are not liable for damages to equipment or persons at any time.

Members Top Ups

Refunds to members "˜top ups' on bar cards are only made if requested in writing within 48 hours of the top up.

Members Social Events

Refunds are only made for Social Events if cancellation is made more than 14 days prior to the event.


Deposits are not refundable or transferable. The overall outstanding balance for your event must be paid four weeks before the event.

Marlborough Golf Club Ltd reserves the right to suspend or terminate your function should invoices fail to be settled by the date requested. Late payments will result in interest charges on monies owed at a rate of 5% above base rate, per calendar month.

Room hire is non-refundable; however, should your event cancel we reserve the right to issue you a credit which must be used within four weeks of the original event date booked. We can issue you an on the day sheet if you wish to add and pay for food or drinks on the day of your event. This must be paid on the day.


All refund payments will be made the office administration team with approval from the General Manager, by Bank Credit Transfer, and will normally be made within 45 days of application.